Below you will find answers to many common questions about UA Giving Day 2023.
What is UA Giving Day?
UA Giving Day is a 49 hour celebration where we all come together to show our University of Alaska pride by giving to the areas of the university that mean the most to us.
Our third annual giving day starts on February 21, 2023 at 10 p.m. and ends on February 23 at 10:59 p.m. This year, alumni and the supporters can unlock over $700,000 in extra donations to support UAA, UAF, and UAS, by making a donation of $5+ on UA Giving Day.
Your gift supports students, university programs, and our entire community.
I submitted my payment, but my credit card did not go through. What now?
Don't worry! Our credit card processor experienced intermittent glitches starting at 7 PM on 2/23. If you submitted your payment, you will be contacted on 2/24 to complete the transaction. Your gift will still count toward UA Giving Day.
Who can participate in UA Giving Day?
Anyone! All alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff and friends are invited to participate by making a gift on this UA Giving Day website.
How do I participate in the President Pitney Social Media Challenge?
The winner will be selected at random for a round trip Alaska Airlines travel voucher*, and a winner from each university will be chosen to designate $500 toward their university's program or scholarship of choice.
Here’s how:
-Share your why you love or why you donated to UAA, UAF, or UAS in a public post on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, post a tweet, or make a TikTok to celebrate UA Giving Day: 49 Hours for Alaska.
-Use the #49HoursForAlaska hashtag
-Tag UAA, UAF or UAS (just one per post)
-Each post, tweet, and TikTok is entered to win.
*Alaska Airlines restrictions and blackout dates may apply.
No contribution is neccesary
How can I help spread the word?
-Social Media: Use #49HoursforAlaska and share why you love UAA, UAF, or UAS. Link to
-In person: Talk about UA Giving Day to your friends, colleagues and anyone you think may be interested in supporting UAA, UAF or UAS
-Email: Email your friends, colleagues, and other contacts why it is important to you that they join you in supporting UA Giving Day. Link to
-Text: On Feb 22-23, invite your friends to donate and send them You can text them this UA Giving Day video
-Send an internal communication to your employees asking them to support UA Giving Day, linking to
-Send an external communication (like a e-newsletter or social media post) to your clients asking them to support UA Giving Day, linking to
-Ask peer businesses to join you in supporting UAA, UAF, or UAS on UA Giving Day
How do I win a roundtrip Alaska Airlines voucher?
It is easy to enter to win a r/t Alaska Airlines Voucher!
1. Every social media post/tweet enters you to win by participating in the President Pitney Social Media Challenge (more info in FAQ: How do I participate in the President Pitney Social Media Challenge)
2. Register as a UA Giving Day Champion and use the "Share to social media" button in your Champion Emails or on your Champion Dashboard. (more info on the Champion Registration page)
Each drawing is independent of the other, and you can compete in both if you would like!
Can I give to more than one area?
Yes, you can make multiple gifts when you check out. For example, you could support all three campuses if you like, or programs at more than one campus. Make sure to select "Add another gift to your donation" on the gift menu to select the other areas you would like to support. Your card will only be charged once for the sum of your donations.
What if I already made a gift to the University of Alaska this year?
Thank you for your support! You are already making a difference. An additional gift on UA Giving Day will help unlock $700,000+ challenges to support even more students programs. We hope you will be part of this exciting event.
What are Champions?
UA Giving Day relies on Champions to share the UA message of philanthropy through social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Sign up as a Champion
As a champion you will spread the word about causes you care about at UAA, UAF, or UAS. Your promotion of challenges and causes you care about is crucial to the success of UA Giving Day.
With your personal Champion URL, you will be able to track how many donors you connect on UA Giving Day.
You can also enter to win a r/t Alaska Airlines voucher by using the "Share to social media" button in your Champion emails or on your Champion Dashboard.
What is ScaleFunder?
ScaleFunder is the secure giving platform that the UA Foundation is using to facilitate raising money, engaging donors and managing volunteers on UA Giving Day. Donations will be received and receipted by email.
Is there a minimum gift amount?
The minimum gift amount is $5. Our goal for the day is based on participation, and gifts of all sizes are greatly appreciated. When our entire community comes together to support UA, big things can happen.
I would like to send in a check. Where do I mail my check to?
Gifts in support of UAA/UAS:
1815 Bragaw St., Ste 206
Anchorage, AK 99508
Gifts in support of UAF:
P.O. Box 755080
Fairbanks, AK 99775
UA Giving Day has ended, can I still make a donation to the University of Alaska?
Yes! Visit to make a gift to UAA, UAF, UAS, or the University of Alaska System.
When are gifts accepted for UA Giving Day 2023?
When you make your donation on this page from Feb. 21, 10 p.m. to Feb. 23, 10:59 p.m., your gifts will help unlock over $900,000 in additional match and challenge gifts.
The fund I want to give to is not listed on the Giving Day website. Can I give to an unlisted fund/project?
Yes. Please contact Tlisa Northcutt, Chief Donor Relations Officer at the UA Foundation.
(907) 786-1211
I've donated. What else can I do to support students or the UA program I love?
Tell your friends, family, and colleagues why you care about supporting students or the University of Alaska program. Spreading the word through email, text, and social media during Feb. 22-23 with a link to UA Giving Day will help others support your cause.
By posting on social media about why you donated or why you love the UA program that you do, you can also enter to win a roundtrip Alaska Airlines Voucher! Make it public, use #49HoursforAlaska, and tag UAA, UAF, or UAS. (Learn more about the President Pitney Social Media Challenge)
Are gifts tax-deductible?
Your gift will be receipted by the University of Alaska Foundation and is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The UA Foundation is a private nonprofit corporation, operated as a public Foundation, and is a tax-exempt organization as described in subsection 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The UA Foundation qualifies as a public charitable organization under Subsection 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Federal Tax ID 23-7394620.
Is my gift eligible for a corporate match?
Please contact your employer’s human resource department to determine if they will match your gift and their process for matching gifts.
Can I donate to a project by phone or mail?
Absolutely! Call the UA Foundation at (907) 786-1211 to donate by phone. Checks in support of the University of Alaska projects should be made payable to the "UA Foundation" and include the University of Alaska program name [Project Name] in the memo line.
Mail to:
Gifts in support of UAA/UAS:
UA Foundation
1815 Bragaw Street, Suite 206
Anchorage, AK 99508
Gifts in support of UAF:
P.O. Box 755080
Fairbanks, AK 99775
How can I get in contact with the UA Foundation?
Please call or email us with questions and comments at:
Phone: (907) 786-1211
Still have questions?
Contact us at